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thumbnail of Screenshot at 2020-05-13 04-04-10-or8.png
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thumbnail of Screenshot at 2020-05-13 04-06-15-or8.png
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thumbnail of Screenshot at 2020-05-13 04-17-02-or8.png
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thumbnail of Screenshot at 2020-05-13 04-07-44-or8.png
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thumbnail of Screenshot at 2020-05-13 04-06-48-or8.png
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and i have been gangstalked very little if at all irl. well not really idk mainly virtual psyop stuff.Im covid Zoomed like a fuggin teleconference gas-lighting that never ends.the point is i had been not keeping up this board because i was busy on /qresearch/. I still am. But i have amassed almost 10 thousand instagram screenshots and digging my ass off. I am supposed to make memes too but i hit a cluster of these cult freaks and its everywhere.