Thanks. Just now I saw on RT they also mutually invited each other to DC and PY.
> Trump goes into the history books as most peaceful American president.
Well he hasn't really done anything beside some bombings in Syria the MOAB in Afghanistan and some sabre rattling in Korea. Also trumpeting "trade war, trade war" all over the place. So yeah.
> Macron who knows how to talk
Liek a grille.

> I don't know other cars too (except that Mercedes of course).
Well, me neither.

> Korea had real peace for more years
The best peace is called war.

> who came out on top?
Noone. It's just talk and talk and equivocation. Everything can change.
> it seems like Trump ended war games in exchange for vague assurances. Was he duped?
No. They can restart the military exercises anytime they want.

> he looked like a boy next to Trump though.
Yeah, Turmp has the height to tower over many people. Especially Asians.

> Trump build his damn casinos and hotels over there, thats what this is really all about
That can be in it, new markets are good for business. The chance to show himself as a great peacemaker also good for his Pride and Vanity. There are many things to it as well. NK is always a thorn when it comes to dealing with China for example.