Thank you, mountain Jew! I won't forget you are responsible for the Habsburgs...

His canonization along with his son's happened about 45 years after his death by another king, Ladislaus I, who was also canonized a century later. While Christianity was introduced to Hungarians earlier Saint Stephen made Catholicism state religion and he was the one who created the framework of the Church in Hungary (among other things).
During the ages 20th of August had different feasts/holidays. In the middle ages it was a religious feast as Stephen was canonized on this day. In the interwar era in the 20th century became national holiday for the first time. During the communism it was the holiday of the (Stalinist) Constitution and People's Republic. After '89-90 it returned back to the national holiday of the Hungarian statehood.
This Hungarian statehood is counted from the coronation of Stephen in 1000/1001. The actual date is very uncertain so that's why his date of canonization was picked instead. It's not even sure it was coronation, it might been a different type anointing. The point is he become rex from dux what he was since 997.