opie here


> Wow, everything's totally fucking fucked mate. Abandon ship.
heres the thing that i really dont like about this all.
my suspicions about the place being a honeypot/wall of noise are still lingering, and in a lot of ways, strengthening

mods have made it very clear that there will be no negotiation on this. only files that include explicit content will be removed. like you said that includes fully naked children of any age. even setting aside legal issues, that is something that has the potential to destroy any bernd, no matter of country or local legal stance on the content. while theyre posting mostly grey area stuff now, i fear that after this has been made clear to the pedos and especially after being attacked by most of the community, that things will be stepped up to that level on a more regular basis. and i also know from seeing this happen on freech that the pedos will tell their whole fucking tribe that kc is the place to be to post such degeneracy

so to test my theory on whether or not the mods are simply pedos themselves trying to make a pedo clubhouse, or if theres something more sinister, i posted in a way where i conceded that they are the ones who get the final word that final word being that naked 3yos is "fucking cool bruh" and also "idgaf about my site users safety/well-being". now that theyve stated their intention to make /int/ a place for such content, my next request was for them to tell the bernds of /int/, as a mod, what is allowed/not, and to put an end to this. they have out and out refused, stating that "everyone already knows whats legal and whats not" lol no. the serbs in liechtenstein. how many non-pedo bernds do you think actually know the law on CP of such a place? id wager slim to none and that to make a simple sticky post on /int/ for a few days would be a "waste of time". this while he took the time to respond to several of my posts. im abstaining from dumping the word on this revelation on /int/ itself because im trying to test if he will be willing to cause a mass exodus and lose the bernds that surround him and his friends activities or if it is a honeypot, lose access to his targets. this reluctance is spooking the hell out of me tbh, and i cant see why someone who yesterday proclaimed that he wanted the smut there to "filter out keins", and also proclaimed to want an end to this "headache", now seems so reluctant to do either of those things in one simple sticky post. because "muh too much work" archive fucking related. its what ive been dealing with the last few days. holy fucking shit. i dont buy it and something doesnt add up here. i fear we may be dealing with something much more serious than simply a group of mods/admins who wish to have a board of absolute free speech. at the very least we can see that from their inability to tolerate walls of text, they were kc/b/ posters, not kc/int/ posters

judging by your guys posts, i can see im actually in good fucking company for srs discushun for once, and im sorry i cant post replies to anything right now, but im worn out from this shit tbh. i feel like ive been shouting underwater for well over 48 hours now. ill give yall a readthrough tonight and dive back in tomorrow. i need a fucking break

heres the meta threda
no degenerate material in it
but a whole fucking lot of degenerate posters

i think we gotta do something to get the regular bernds off of that site
im becoming more certain that they are in harms way on kohl
at the very least is clear the mods dont give two fucks about them nor /int/