> . There is no place like this in the Eurasian steppe zone
Ural mountains, altai mountains, pretty much entire kırgızistan region, tien-shan(tanrı) mountains, they are all well suited for summer.

>  When it's too hot they move to the north because the greenery "moves" there
I get what you mean, but I wish it was that simple. Nomads disliked too much north mainly because too much forest prevents their military tactic efficience and it gets more swampy. But traveling across north or south of river itil(volga) was a thing but again not that common and simplistic.

As for hungarians, hungary was literally wet dream of nomads due to quality dirt of Hungary. It's just requires to being not nomad and settling down. Mainly because smallness of Hungary and in general europe. Your lands being raidable by settlers is a no-no and in vast eurasian steppes infantry core armies couldnt catch up with nomads so it was huge advantage for them. But when the time passes gunpowder gave infantry core armies an edge and increasing urbanism worked against nomads. Having not so competent leaders also shouldnt be underestimated. By the way even today nomads exist in Turkey maybe I mentioned before.