> You don't need lush green fields for 4 seasons to nomad around in eurasia.
Nomads move where the vegetation is lush, they move "with" the vegetation.
Steppe people sit on the same place while nature changes beneath their asses, therefore steppe people aren't nomads. They don't fit into the definition. Calling them nomads is incorrect.
For nomads, their entire economy is depending upon them being in the same fertile surroundings, no matter if they are hunter-gatherers or herders.
For steppe people only a part of their economy depended on herding - which is in no way nomadic, but extensive pastoralism. Great many in their societies were artisans or did intensive agriculture.
Nomads don't build settlements.
Steppe people had permanent settlements with houses and other facilities. These places partially served for "billeting" the herds. To which they fed fodder (even grain feed!) which was gathered/produced by those who lived there all year round.