Grand prince Géza, father of Saint Stephen took the cross, the western one, as part of his politics, but he sacrificed to the old gods the same.
The corona graeca and latina expressions are modern inventions. There is an alternative explanation the bilinguality of the Crown: it was used for initiation and certain rites demanded the usage of both languages, like when they ordained a priest, or when they built a temple first they chose the spot then draw a big cross onto the place, then wrote the latin and greek alphabets along the axis' of the cross. I dunno about these claims' reliability.
> have you guys any attemt to convert orthodoxy or any other denomination?
Before the Conquest our forefathers met Cyril and Method, and some might converted to their faith. Also it can be theorized that by the time of Saint Stephen quite a few Hungarian followed the Byzantine rite. Grand prince Géza's brother himself too (who was baptised as Michael).
This question of yours is very interesting since at that time Christianity approached the Schism and maybe Hungary was a place where the two branches struggled for influence.