This blogging thing is a complex question, but I think due to the anonymous nature of imageboards the core of it is the difference between sharing and oversharing.
For example many times I write things compelled by my everyday life, an event of the day, etc. But I try and make it sound less personal and more on the point, concealing confidential, intimate, emotional details. This is how I try to put original content here, this is how I try to break to old axiom of the chans: "everything is a repost of a repost of a repost". I also try to give original opinions and not just some stolen thought of a random anon on a different random imageboard - whose comment was most likely also some rehashed line or two.
But even if the person know and feel the difference between sharing and oversharing, the process of sharing can turn into a habit which might blur the line.

This question also involves the social media nature of chans. It is, we discussed it I remember. We are here being social but this paradoxically goes against the anonym nature of boards. Here, where we can distinguish individual posters it is more of a problem... if it is a problem.

I'm getting tired but there would be many more angle to this to examine.

I guess I also want to express, I don't mind reading these things, I don't mind giving my opinion, help with "listening" and advises.

I'm gonna write more somtime.