Since it's cucumber season now it seems, very little postings, I'm gonna let this slide. Ok let's talk about women briefly.
With all the wisdom of the years behind me I can safely declare that Bernd needs a woman with a nice rack.

> dumb
> was all I could do to keep her from talking to me
Then it wasn't the problem that she was dumb, the problem was she couldn't shut up. Smart women who can't shut up just as bad.
To be honest not even the talking is the trouble but that they don't know when to shut up. Frequent complaint of women that their partner can't (or don't) read them (the familiar lines of men saying: "just say what you want from us! we aren't mind-readers" comes into mind), but it is true the other way around, great many women just can't (or don't) read their partners and flaps their mouth when they really shouldn't (or do other stuff they shouldn't). Partially this is one reason why recommending communication is such a stereotype in counseling and such.