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Some awkward Dilma quotes.

I'm really happy to be here in Bauru. The mayor told me that I am, among the presidents, in recent times, one of the(♀)* presidents, or presidents, who have been here in Bauru.

If today is Children's Day, yesterday I said that children... the child's day is mother's day, father's and teacher's, but is also animals' day. Every time you look at a child, there's always a hidden figure, which is a dog, behind, which is something very important.

We won't set a target. We'll leave an open target, but when we reach the target we'll double the target.

So far hydroelectric power is the cheapest, in terms of how long it lasts, of its maintenance and also for the fact that water is for free and we can store it. Wind could be this too, but you haven't yet gotten technology to store wind. So, if the other countries' contribution, let's assume that it's to develop technology that can, in wind [power], that can store, that there can be a way for you to store, because wind, it's different in hours of the day. So let's assume there's more wind in nighttime. What would I do to store that?

No civilization was born without access to a basic form of nourishment and here we have one, as natives and American Indians have theirs. We have the manioc and here we are, and, certainly, we'll have a series of other products which were essential to the development of the entire human civilization through the centuries. So here, today, I salute the manioc, one of Brazil's greatest achievements.
[In the same speech, holding a ball which "came from New Zealand" to "last as long as necessary"]
We're of the human genus, of the sapiens species, we're those who have the capacity to play, to toy, because playing is this. The important is not to win but to celebrate. This is the human, ludic capability to have an activity whose end is itself, the activity itself. Sport has this condition, this blessing, it's an end in itself. And it is this activity which first characterizes children, the ludic activity of playing. So to me, this ball is a symbol of our evolution, when we created a ball like this, we transformed into Homo sapiens or women sapiens.

Paes is the happiest mayor of the world, who heads the most important city of the world and of the galaxy. Why the galaxy? Because the galaxy is Rio de Janeiro. The Milky Way is peanuts next to the galaxy which our dear Eduardo Paes as the honor of being a mayor of.

I don't think that whoever wins or whoever loses, nor whoever neither wins nor loses, will win or lose. Everyone will lose.

*This is a convoluted. "Presidente" is used for both male and female presidents. To make a point of her status as the first woman heading the country, Dilma insisted on being referred to as "presidenta", a valid female-only form which fell into disuse because it sounds unpleasant. However by force of habit she herself sometimes refers to women in presidential positions as just "presidente", as was the case here. Not only that, but she also referred to women presidents in the plural when she was the only one.