thumbnail of Spongebob_squarepants_season_10_download_,_antivirus_live_cd_gratuit_-_2020-03-02_17.58.31.png
thumbnail of Spongebob_squarepants_season_10_download_,_antivirus_live_cd_gratuit_-_2020-03-02_17.58.31.png
Spongebob_squarepa... png
(348.28 KB, 1451x1638)
It seems itself offers wide range of services from hosting to software and web development. Apparently they are endorsed by Hungary's most prestigious uni of technology as well.
Maybe someone hosts his warez site there.
I googled "netscan spongebob" and found that link (duckduckgo is useless with Hungarian sites), opened it but it redirects to some "" site with untrusted connection. But I can open a google snapshot of the netscan site. There's a bunch of links and text, very little in Hungarian, mostly in English with some Spanish (looks a bit Latin but I think it's Spanish) and Danish(?). Now I think someone vandalized their site at one point.
I have no idea what's going on.