A firing squad will execute, in order, a ginger woman, a brunette and a blonde. As the ginger is lined against the wall and soldiers raise their weapons, she points to the other side and screams "Tsunami!" Dazzled, her executors don't notice as she runs away. Next, the brunette is lined up. As the guns are about to go off she repeats the ginger's gesture and exclaims "Landslide!" In the confusion, she escapes. Finally, the blonde is placed for execution. From the depths of her lungs, she shouts "Fire!"

An ornithologist's two parrots, one green and one red, fly to a madhouse, where they roost on a tree in the courtyard. One of the internees reaches the branch, picks up the red one and takes it to the ornithologist, who replies:
-Thank you a lot! Can you bring me the other one?
-It's not ripe yet.