> They are overly smart and bold, they open locks and easily go through any fences you have. Experience in handling is needed.
But they don't really need special care. And every goat is an individual case, some are more problematic than others. Maybe bringing them up helps, like with dogs. Hereabout was a family who kept bunch of them, tho I never visited checking - only bought some milk time to times - so I dunno how they did it. A couple others had single goats in the neighbourhood. One family kept it in a barn through the whole time, another had an empty plot it grazed there. These ones had other animals too and heard them they have to be careful when bringing chow coz the goat sometimes "stole" straight from the bucket in their hands.
Rabbits are sensitive but have nice fur and delicious chops along their spine. Tho they won't give milk... I rather goat, milk, cheese, curd, maybe even butter and cream. Kefir too.