Turkbernd contacted us again, he might be ok. Just this problem to post here is unsolved.

As a hobby, learning. For now. I have a long standing superficial familiarity with programming, since I was a kid. Not much real formal training, but some even that.
By myself I looked into C more seriously, liek twice, but haven't did much due to lack of time and other interests, and on that level I haven't found really practical applications for that which would motivate me to do more. JS (and frontend webdev) is better in that question since I use internet and browser every day and there are practical stuff I could do, so feels more rewarding to pursue. Dabbling in other stuff too (get knowing backend and such).
I liek JS, started on CodeAcademy but haven't found it satisfying so went through the MDN tutorials (also often browsing w3schools). And try to read stuff beside, liek there was a good article which showed that using shorthand on many occasion is worse, since many are processed slower than strictly written code, so it might be more convenient for the programmer, but slower for the browser; or why pick getElementByID over querySelector when possible (even if just using the latter all the time could seem - again - more convenient); stuff like that. It can be good if one filters out the crapcode and don't try to copypaste from stackexchange - but even that can be used and read about the stuff peeps write there, could arrive to illuminating conclusions.