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Today is pretty big day in modern Russian history: it is the referendum for constitution amendments. It was planned in spring, then coronavirus moved date to autumn.

But suddenly, after months of lockdown, government decided to do referendum at 1st of July, because lockdown makes people unhappy. So, all restrictions were lifted, sometimes even too fast for local governments, and covid disappeared from media front pages.

Amendments are mostly irrelevant and sometimes contradict themselves, like mentioning god in part about glorious Russian history, but not mentioning what specific god it is, while other parts of constitution still say that Russia is a secular state. There were only two voting options, yes or no, so you couldn't choose specific amendment to vote for or be against.

Of course main reason is much more simple, and everyone know this: new constitution allows current president to be elected again. While constitution forbids president to be elected two times, new edition will provide the fresh start and two new terms.

Some unofficial exit polls shown that there is a large amount of "no" votes, but we all know how it will end already.