> Can you give a quick rundown on the Turkish political palette?
I will answer this one with details, so don't assume I skip this one.

> Creepy as fugg.
It gets creppier when all your friends get through this and feel helpless because you know they are the state. By the way state dormitories had very limited capacity and regularly "privatized" to gülenists. So most people despite hating them, had to send their sons and daughters to their dormitories. Gülenists were called "cemaatçi" which means pro (religious) community. It was common occurence to get fired from bureaucracy and get death threats for not referring fethullah gülen as "hocaefendi" which closely means "his highness".

> This is weird since Turkey is strongest NATO member right after the USA. And it's close position to Russia and the Middle Eastern hot spot makes it even more valuable
That one is just loud call, realistically it is not possible at this moment, homewer kurdish independence and investing in both kurdistan and Turkiye is on the table. USA has to rely on us in this side of the world and they hate the idea of Turkey taking inititative BUT, just accussing them is not part of solution. Soleley accusing is what butthurt failed and colonized states do.

We need to acknowledge the fact that our people cant decide rationally and implement a temporary enlightening despotic system. People of the west needs to acknowledge the fact that, they can't have a rogue "moderate islamist" state in their backyard, especially our neigbours. It will be like invasion of iraq except x10 times worse, with all refugees running around and power vacuum. Supposedly 'fascist' military does not have any territorrial claims meanwhile both kurds and neo ottomanists-islamists have this exceptionalism and maximalist territorrial claims. Our worst case in this case is cyprus, even for that we accepted annan plan and accepted unified cyprus by no means our military wants to swallow it. But quite recently erdo made another rogue claim and demanded 2 state solution, he knows he will sanctioned and he also knows sanction will portray him as devout resistance leader. 

Core of this nation does not have schizo claims like these alliens.