> I wish I could see in their hedas
The resentment is blatant in his memoir. It's by far the most caustic and bitter source I've read, laying a barrage of insults and criticism against most of the other figures - Guedes, Magalhães Pinto (towards these two he's particularly right), Kruel, Costa e Silva, Castelo Branco - and to the Armed Forces as a whole, the pointless defense policy pursued over the decades (e.g. saying the IInd and IVth Army only exist so there are more generals to appoint) and the absence of creativity in the Ministry of War over the decades. It's also critical of the presidential political system and inflationary economy. Its polemic nature stands out from many other sources that just massage everyone's ego. In those fields it's harsher than leftist sources. When the book was published, posthumously, it was at first censored.