Reminds me:
Workers are traveling on a train, comrade Lenin is the engineer. Destination: communism. They run out of fuel and the workers turn to Lenin:
- Comrade Lenin! We have no more coals to feed the engine! How are we gonna reach communism?
- Do not worry comrades. All the food are combustible, throw those in the engine.
They do as told and the train rolls on. But soon they run out of food.
- Comrade Lenin! We have no more food to feed the engine! How are we gonna reach communism?
- Do not worry comrades. All your clothes are combustible, throw those in the engine.
They do as told and the train rolls on. But soon they run out of clothes.
- Comrade Lenin! We have no more clothes to feed the engine! How are we gonna reach communism?
- Do not worry comrades. All the railroad ties are made of wood therefore combustible, tear those up and throw them in the engine.
They do as told and the train rolls on. But soon they run out of railroad ties.
- Comrade Lenin! All the railroad ties are gone! We have no food, no clothes, can't move forward but can't go back! How are we gonna reach communism?
- Comrades! We arrived!