So the commies not just made us celebrate our occupation, but stacked all the positions of scientific authority, journals, publishers, museums, universities, the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Some sure was a competent professional, most wasn't, however political reliability and the ability to do what they were told to mattered more. They bullied those out from their ranks who did not follow line, those who questioned dogmas were given the backwater positions, were hampered in their research, denied resources from them, or even disbarred from the scientific community. And these guys ofc groomed their own replacement, the new generation.
What's coming I already talked about briefly in the tank thread.
When the wall came down they still were in the positions, and they were replaced by their best students. So while changes happened with the exception of certain things (like the excessive praise of the Soviet Union) it did not happen overnight. And there were limits, actually these still are in place. While in the west it isn't taboo to talk about Axis military successes, acknowledge their valor, or performance, here, after 30 years such opinions are still not presentable entirely in most circles, and despicable in some smaller. If you are a historian you have to thread carefully, you could get labeled as an extremist, or even anti-Semite, and then you are done. So historians do not go ahead and exaggerate WWII (not even WWI) Hungarian military might, or celebrate successes, or easily shift responsibility onto foreign participants of the wars.