He has a point.
Maybe Turkey isn't viable for joining the EU based on the criteria fresh recruits have to comply to, but the EU's importance in global politics is slowly dwindling and keeping Turkey out, and the general treatment of Turkey Schröder talks about, just alienating Turkey and pushing her orientation toward Russia and China.
Sure Turkey is a NATO member but that doesn't mean she can't have different take on political and economic issues.
With Turkey joining the EU could gain a lot in relevance in world politics, more influence in Africa and the Middle East, in Central Asia too, most likely even in Russia. This would come with several caveats however. The structure of power, and balance in the EU would change in an instant, I'm not sure exactly at the moment how it would rearrange what would change - I need to think about it more, this whole topic is sudden for me - but there would be a lot. Some changes, rearrangements should be made in the foreign politics of the EU too - this also need some chewing on my part. Poor Armenians would be fucked over for sure, essentially they would be pushed closer to Russia, no hope for them elsewhere internationally anymore.
Also what would happen with Turkey? After some time their citizens would be free to move within the EU, would they migrate by the millions to Western Europe? They would also lose from their economic independence, Western EU countries and the companies there don't want other competitors to join in and ruin their party.