> If assad tooknit over we wouldnt able to settle down 3 million syriana in there

So how is the process of setting those syrians/kurds back in rebel Idlib going? According to what you were saying it sounds like more people are pouring into turkey, not less. What is the plan? Prop them up militarily as a kind of buffer statelet where to dump the war refugees and kurds later?
> Assad despite what he says dont want his syrians back. He is glad he Got rid of them.

Your view seems to be that the syrian government wants its territory back but not the rebels, preferring them to flee into neighbor countries rather than resettle them elsewhere. But I have also read that the rebels are not a majority and they just hold local population hostage because they control natural resources, production, and distribution channels, and the foreign aid. This would mean that syria would also want most of the people there. Why couldn't this be negotiated with Syria? Has Assad hinted that he won't negotiate with Turkey the return of refugees?
> Half of the country is governed by ypg

They cannot last without their US patrons

> because we know Erdoğan is arming them and wont hesitate to use against us

The syrian rebel mercenaries? Is it still happening through the "humanitarian aid" border, as that man Peker  >>/44391/ said?
What about some of his other claims?
> ger-tr.jpg
