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Al Jazeera has that type of article which gets refreshed "minute-by-minute" (not sure how that format is called, it's like a thread) about Afghanistan. This links should open that up:
It contains a piece:
> US Treasury issued new licence to ease flow of aid in Afghanistan
Basically says there's a paradox in US treatment of Afghanistan, they allow to send aid, while embargoing the country at the same time.
Among the bit fresher news:
> The US froze nearly $9.5bn in assets belonging to the Afghan central bank last month.
As another article posted here stated they have most of the gold of Afghanistan, and it is expected to be frozen by the US.
Ofc articles (in other media outlets too, for example Hungarian ones) say Afghan economy is on the brink of collapse, while humanitarian crisis looms.
So. How about not sending them aid, just give them what's theirs?

Another interesting morsel:
> In Jalalabad, ‘life continues as normal’
> “We spoke to some people and they said it is difficult to figure out what the future holds for them, but so far, they are satisfied about the situation in the streets because there are no more mobile snatching, no more kidnappings, the crime rate is low,” he added.
Law and order can be achieved.