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So, elections happened. Votes didn't counted completely yet, but there are no surprises - same people is almost same proportions are here again. Difference between parties is negligible, except commies like to be contrarian when they vote doesn't matter, and "liberal"-"democrats" sometimes louder than others.

In Moscow and few regions remote internet voting was an options. Constitution referendum in 2020 had experimental "electronic voting", current one was not even experimental. But for some reason electronic vote results were delayed for day, officials said it is about "recalculating the blockchain" and "counting those who changed their vote" (it was allowed for voter for some reasons). That was unexpected because electronic vote in 2020 had results almost immediately. But when results finally happened, it was very fun - these votes completely overhauled previous results. Half of single-seats (vote for person, not party) in Moscow were won by non-government candidates after "paper" part of voting, but they all suddenly lost after electronic part. 
For some unknown reason electronic votes didn't follow same proportion like classic ones, sometimes with 10-20% difference. Three last images display this graphically, red ones are remote votes and were calculated only recently.

Such amazing coincidence indeed.