As for Memento:  >>/44660/
It's a good concept chopping the movie up like that and watching the scenes backward. Makes me want to watch it in chronological order.
It's pretty grim to be honest. At one point for no fucking reason, out of his own murderous impulse he decides to kill Ralphie. And he does that in a way that makes sure he won't feel remorse at his killing (after that doesn't matter anyway), so he will be able to execute that idea.

And now Don't Be a Menace:  >>/44890/
It's okay if you watched a couple of negercore movies, familiar with gangster rap, and GTA San Andreas. Or you live in the ghetto yourself (until you turn 21). The jokes aren't great, and somehow you hear the laugh track despite they did not use that in the movie (it's for tv-shows anyway). The list of those ghetto nigging movies is surprisingly long, and they got inspirations from those, well it is a parody of those so no surprises of direct references.