Natural gas price skyrocketed in Europe. It seems only in Europe.
The growing price appeared just after EU decided everyone has to change to renewables, they even categorized nuclear energy as such, just so countries relying on that (eg. France and Hungary) could tell they are using renewable. Go Green is the word now.
Ofc, gas price also used as pressure for people to change, while countries (ours for sure) heavily subsidizes solar energy.
Meanwhile fossil fuels are in more abundance than ever.
I assume they use the change as a good excuse for liberal government spending, flooding the economy with more moneyz to stimulate it to get over the recession. Military spending, and buying vaccines aren't enough.

I did not think the whole thing through, and I'm not sure how last years Russian and Saudi trick with the oil and gas fits into this picture.

Additional information:
We made a new deal with the Russians to buy gas from them, but now their gas will come from Serbia and Austria. Up until now, it came via Ukraine, but this stops. Also we sold Russian gas to Ukraine, whom got their portion from what flowed through their country. This stops too. Now this is some 5d chess.