Bernd.group goes ok. Although threads tend to be short lived - in a sense that not many gets updated with discussion, and just gets bumped back and gets forgotten.
To be honest /kc/ would go ok, if the few lurkers and those who know about this place would make a couple of posts per week.

> But the pdeos are too much
Yeah. And they flood tetten threads too. Makes lurking unbearable.

> There was no golden age of serious discussions
I concur. It's a meme. But there were always people around who could discuss stuff seriously.
> ex-wife
Fugging Bernadettes.
> age of imageboards is over now anyway.
I don't think so. Now that denial of privacy and anonymity is pressing more and more, such places are needed where people can freely express themselves while privacy and anonymity are protecting them. IB's are a way.
Several problems ofc.
Like the vast majority of people only uses just a couple of major websites, have no idea about IB's, or even the concept of privacy and anonymity. Also they tend to do everything for social status and credit.
The privacy and anonymity of those who run imageboards have to be solved, they also have to be protected. Or the other way around make celebrities out of them so the fame protects them from bs. To some extent. And that also kinda means they themselves are sellable.
Uh... at least one thing I wanted in this line, but I lost my train of thought.
Anyway, financing also needs to be solved, and I think other people needs to be involved, liek lawyers and shit.