thumbnail of Official Opening Credits Game of Thrones (HBO).mp4
thumbnail of Official Opening Credits Game of Thrones (HBO).mp4
Official Opening... mp4
(11.08 MB, 1280x720 h264)
thumbnail of Around the World in 80 Days.mp4
thumbnail of Around the World in 80 Days.mp4
Around the World in... mp4
(10.19 MB, 1280x720 h264)
thumbnail of The Sopranos Season 1 Opening Credits HBO Classics.mp4
thumbnail of The Sopranos Season 1 Opening Credits HBO Classics.mp4
The Sopranos Season 1... mp4
(22.72 MB, 1280x720 h264)
thumbnail of Lost.mp4
thumbnail of Lost.mp4
Lost mp4
(387.16 KB, 1280x720 h264)
Here's what I mean.
1. Game of Thrones - iconic for many viewers, favored both for visuals and the tune
2. Around the World in 80 Days - this one is a recent victim of leftliberal media Kulturkampf, but not a bad  show, pretty good intro, grabs the essence of the story, did not watch it entirely until I dl'd this one;
3. The Sopranos - awesome, just wanna listen that song again
4. Lost - bam, this is the best, it doesn't even gives the time to react and reach for the jump 10 sec forward button, a brief pause between two scenes

Now as for the Beforeignes, it's not that easy since all the episodes have different intros, or opening credits, I'll see if  I can grab a few.

Also post more intros, shitty or great, memorable or the ones you skip fast.