thumbnail of 2022-02-03-Idlib-Daesh-leader-bomb.png
thumbnail of 2022-02-03-Idlib-Daesh-leader-bomb.png
2022-02-03-Idlib-Daes... png
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thumbnail of 2022-02-08-Syria-al-muhandis-and-deash-arrests.png
thumbnail of 2022-02-08-Syria-al-muhandis-and-deash-arrests.png
2022-02-08-Syria-al-m... png
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This one?
Well they casually dumped bin Laden's corpse into the ocean instead of showing it to anyone, so proofs aren't high priority I guess.

That Atma camp is literally on the Turkish border. It makes sense targeting them there, no need to reach far from secure area. I bet they botched the mission big time. Or maybe killing the bloke wasn't even the mission, just turned out to be after the fact.