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Here's closer screenshots of important areas.
Tomorrow probably fights will start in Kiev.
Chernigov is on the Desna river. I would assume that could be a good line to held out, but maybe Desna isn't that large, I dunno that river
At Kharkov fights are going on since yesterday. From the map it seems they approach from different directions. Encirclement would be an understandable thing to do, in fact at all the cities and towns that could be used in the defence. Siege of Eszék/Osijek comes to mind.
In the south Russians seemed to gain a bridge on the Dnieper at Kherson, they also moved on Melitopol.

I find the info coming in lopsided.
First Russian troops can't narrowcast (probably forbidden, I expect some material be uploaded to the net at some point, partially used in propaganda) their stuff and most videos and tweets are coming from Ukrainian civilians, Ukrainian and foreign journalists among them. While before the attack satellite images were shared by western news agencies about Russian troop deployment, now I don't see much about their movements. However due to the civilian narrowcasting we have some idea about what's happening where. But no news about Ukrainian positioning, understandably they keep that quiet. Data about the losses also coming from Ukrainian sorces, but only about the Russian losses. I saw a report on Al JAzzera saying that according to Ukrainian sources 2800 Russian troops were killed, 80 tanks, 516 armoured combat vehicles, 10 aircrafts and 7 helicopters destroyed. This data can't be verified, losses must be higher than yesterdays ~100, that's obvious. No word about Ukrainian losses however.

Listening Al Jazeera, they said China refused to join sanctions against Russia. That was expected.
Also reading a NATO battlegroup is set up in Northern Hungary, a German company will be part of it.
Russia got banned from Eurovision song contest.