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Jelacic traveled to Vienna, where he took his oath. The Hungarian government expected him to appear, so they can make his appointment official from our side too, trying to enforce some kind of control over him. He had no intention to do that, but introduced martial law in Croatia. He also ignored the Laws of April (which can be considered as kind of a constitution for the forming order on Hungary), although he did abolished serfdom which was part of said Laws, but he did it following his own judgement (gaining further support from the local population). The Hungarian government managed to get an order from the king which instructed Jelacic to obey to said government. And for the case he doesn't obey they also acquired a permit to relegate a commissary to replace him. He did not, and told if the government tries to replace him, he will put up armed resistance. Since the appointed commissary had inadequate military force, he realized he can do nothing to further the cause.
The Croatian Sabor was called together by Jelacic. They drafted a pack of suggestions which were sent to the king. First they wanted their own separate government, independent from the Hungarian, but most importantly they wanted to trust the imperial government with the monetary and military affairs. This second point was reeked from the influence of the Court. If the Croation Sabor would wanted any real form of independence, they would have opted with similar solution to what the Hungarian revolutionaries wanted, the control of own army and finances. The king dismissed the suggestions, but some elements of the Court welcomed Jelacic and shown support. Both sides expressed their concerns about the Croatian soldiers fighting agains the rebelling Italians and the situation in Italy in general. On June 10 the king sacked Jelacic as bán, this manifest - which Jelacic got to know from the newspapers - was never actually enforced. Hungarian government made an offer to the Croats, similar to what those sent to the king, except they wanted the military and finance to be common with Hungary instead. During the negotiations however they went as far as offering them an independent Croatia, and keep her only as an ally. The summer went on with negotiations, but everything was rejected.