So it's about a month now. Up until this point it was asked when will Russia defeat Ukraine? Now we can ask another question. When the sanctions will defeat Russia?
The war is ongoing, there are results, especially in the south, Kherson, Energodar, and they soon finish up Mariupol (according to Al Jazeera, Russians moved into the city center yesterday). If that's done, the freed up troops can be moved further. Will they take seriously the negotiations if they can have a better position at the table if they have a better position on the fronts?
Sanctions are ongoing, and there are some results. They made the life uncomfortable and unsure enough for quite a few Russian whom looking for opportunities now in other countries. There seems to be shortages, especially in grains and sugar. But to be honest in these two, the shortage is the result of the sudden over purchase by the customers who are filling up the pantry just in case. Like the corona tp panic buying. I doubt Russia imports grain and sugar from the US and Western Europe. They can produce grain, and I think sugar is coming from Brazil, if I have to guess. In worst case scenario they could even grow sugar beet on the long term.
Along with several countries we vetoed sanctioning the Russian fossil fuel export today.

Btw NATO builds up forces in Eastern Europe, they move ~40K soldiers hereabout. Battlegroups are set up, here we put together one pure Hungarian, and it seems an international one will also raised in our country, with the participation of US, Croat, Turkish, Italian, and Montenegrin troops.