> probably doesn't include the losses of the Donbas militias. 
That is my suspicion too.
> Rus advances have been slow for the past 2 weeks, very slow or nil during the past few days
The article here:  >>/47095/ describes how they approach the siege of Mariupol. The recon, the attacks, how they gain ground by the house. And how the Chechens rode into the town and died.
> Ukr basically has unending supply of nato weaponry
That's a bit exaggerated.
> Rus is not targeting the Ukr govt 
They made big fuss about it how Chechen hit squad targeting Zelensky was neutralized. Probably wasn't even true that he was targeted, but every failure would just give munition to propaganda. I'm sure they are kept safe. Some might not be in Ukraine at all. And not just govt matters there, but the oligarch who are sure already fled the country (might be they weren't there when the war started to begin with). Also they're saying Zelensky is there, but is he really? I seem to recall a video featuring him where they used green screen for the production. I bet they set up some nice studio for his new career, an actor playing politician playing an actor playing a politician (so many layers).

> It's a fake accent? really? I thought that it was genuine. 
Are you kiddings with me?

Maybe Zelensky is in Tasmania now.

Well she can show support, nothing wrong with that.