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Recently the Orbán clique held it's yearly gathering, selected elites are invited close to the Fidesz' leadership attends these shindigs. At least one of them had loose lips however because Orbán's speech was leaked. Some might think it was leaked on purpose.
Few interesting things were told by the great leader, El Primo.
Foreign politics:
- Hungary will try to block the renewal for six months of the embargo against Russia
- the EU shot herself in the leg with the sanctions
- there is no leader of the EU who would realize the interest of the EU and act accordingly
- by 2030 the V4 will become net contributors to the EU budget, which means there will be very little to stay in the EU
- the V4 could be a new center of power, but the Ukraine conflict means a neuralgic point in their relations
- the Eurozone might fall apart by 2030, and maybe the EU herself too
- by 2040 the Muslims will be the majority in the Western cities
- will continue to build a conservative network
Internal politics:
- the Fidesz is preparing a new generation of Fidesz polititians who will be capable of governing up until 2060
- have to support families, have to increase population growth, have to bear more children
- have to preserve jobs and the worth of wages
- have to modernize the economy
> Since 2004 the settlement and the Dobozy Chateau hosts the Polgári Piknik meeting organized by the Polgári Magyarországért Alapítvány of the Christian-conservative elite. Leading figures of Hungarian life - politicians, thinkers, scientists, business people - gather together in the village for the event.

Meanwhile small companies/enterprises are closing down because can't pay the utility bill. People get bills which is way over their pay, facing losing their homes.
Entrepreneurship was always week in this country, but at least most people were owners. Now everyone will be wagie and tenant. Western companies and Fidesz oligarchs will own everything.