Coppola things to mention, trying to make it short. It's foreign politics but EU "home affair", two in one.
This year we're gonna have EU elections for the Parliament. June 6-9.
Three plus one issues things revolve around these days: Ukraine, migrants, and LGBT stuff. These are the ones divides the opinions. The plus one is corruption, but it really isn't a thing people will decide who to vote for, it's just a thing to toss around while on the campaign. Like:
> Ukraine did great effort in fighting corruption
> Hungary is corrupt
> Hungary is not, we passed all the test
> EU is corrupt, Qatargate

Local (municipal) elections on the Hungary coincides with the EU elections. So Fidesz keeps it tight to get those votes, the opposition is weak, and foreign monetary support is getting cut from them. In 2023 the Fidesz majority parliament put the regulation into place and the institution was set up too.

And then, the in second half of 2024 it will be Hungary's turn to take on EU presidency, from the start of July to the end of December.

In Poland things are getting complicated as mentioned here:  >>/51236/ and here:  >>/51386/
The new government started a cleanup, getting rid of political opponents, putting them in prison (it seems unconstitutionally), and took over some media outlets. Voters of PiS are not amused.
Demonstrations are ongoing I believe. Also new government started with LGBT propaganda.
Fidesz-media here says the Polish opposition was financed by the Soros backed NGOs.

So Poland gets less friendly with Hungary. Orbán started to court Fico from Northern Hungary, the new populist PM, since Hungary needs an ally in the EU to veto decisions directed against us. Good move to be honest. I don't know how much favor actually we gain, but Fidesz-media talks much more about our northern neighbour than anytime before.
Oh, after Hungary, Polan will follow in EU presidency from 2025. So our govt probably will spend some time mending relations with them too.