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Frontline constantly moving backwards/forwards (depending which side you on), Russians capturing more lands as noted above.
Big news is: no more Krynky.
Ukrainians created a bridgehead on the left bank of the Dnepr river at this small village back in 2023 November 6-7. Since then marines were holding the strip, bombarded and attacked by the Russians every day. Two or three days ago they withdrew giving up the place entirely.
I gathered from videos made by Matt of WillyOAM and Wyatt of DPA that DeepState communicated: ~250 AFU soldiers died and ~750 disappeared. Which also means died, I don't think many of them surrendered to their enemy. In the end 6 guys were holding the place, 3 of them died instantly after Russian bombardment, 2 still lived through fire exchanged with handguns, and only one left the place alive. He disappeared however, fate was unknown yesterday.
Krynky was a useless endeavor. There was never any chance to bring there heavy weaponry, they had to move soldiers (fresh troops in, injured and dead out) and supplies with tiny boats. How would one launch an attack from such a place?
Did it tie down lots of Russian troops? I highly doubt it. How much Ukrainian soldiers were in that slim strip of land which was reduced to rubble in weeks, less than rubble offering little to no cover to actually hide. So how many soldiers could be there at a given time? 100? Coupe dozen? That last 6 defender... how long they were there? For how long that six was holding that slice of clay?
The whole thing made little sense.