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Hungary took over the presidency of the EU in July, will held it till January. Finally the bureaucrats in Brussels allowed Orbán to present his programme of the presidency on October 9, at the European Parliament Plenary.
I got the whole thing, speeches and "debate" from youtube, 3 and a half fucking hours. It complicates things that everyone talks in their own national language, so it has a shitty voice translation over it. I did not dare to listen yet.
Frau von der Leyen directed some lukewarm quips against Orbán and some others two, Orbán did a 15 mins reply there, I listen that one. They all touched several topics, one of them is Ukraine, and this is why I post about it here.
Orbán said in his reply (it's more or less a translation, not word to word tho, but close enough for our purpose, my notes in italics):
Now even in the Anglo-Saxon media (mainstream media) they report that Ukraine now loses the war, and this is accepted by all now. "We" - I got he meant as Ukraine, US, but first and foremost the EU with Hungary - "are losing the war". He said European MEPs still hasn't acknowledged it, but it would be the time to do. If we want to win, first we have to acknowledge the fact that we are losing. Because "we are losing on the Ukrainian front". And those in the EU Parliament pretends that this is not true. The truth is that - partially can be thanked for von der Leyen - the EU went into this war recklessly, with misguided and miscalculated strategy. If we want to win, this losing strategy has to be changed. The strategy was badly planned and badly executed. If we follow this, we'll lose. If we want the Ukrainians not to lose, we have to change the strategy. Every war needs diplomatical steps, communication, direct and indirect contacts, or we'll just go deeper into the war. Hundreds of thousands are dying in this war, thousands of each day. So this war won't have a solution with this strategy. So better to stand for peace. Argue for a ceasefire, and create a different strategy or we will all lose.
That's about it. Not many specifics. I think he just made notes and put together this reply while the others were talking.
The very end is interesting. In this form it means to freeze the conflict as it stands now, halt the fights, and... prepare a new fight???
Because it doesn't sound cutting the losses and make peace, just postpone the fight for a better time.
I think Russia would really want this to avoid. It is not good for Russia to have an unsolved situation, and they surely don't want NATO to equip and prepare Ukraine better. They surely don't want to wait until the Western arms production is in full swing.