Noone ever suspected Koryo's developing hydrogen bomb. They sure can keep stuff in secret.
> Both Putin and Jinping expressed their deep concern over this situation
Deebly Goncerned
> the nuclearization of the Korean Peninsula “absolutely unacceptable.”
No nukes for you Hanguk.
> take part in all relevant discussions within the UN Security Council and in other formats
> discussions
> in other format
I hope they're coming to /kc/, some traffic at last.
> At the same time, he said that the sanctions imposed on North Korea so far “did not lead to any positive outcome”
How about integrating them into the consumerist world by lifting the sanctions and opening opportunities to get consumer goods? Give them a taste of Freedumbs.
> The test is “another example of Pyongyang’s outright disregard” of UN Security Council resolutions and international law
Again the sanctions and deep concerns are useless. War is unacceptable nothing left just what I wrote previously.