You guys are here for some time now, and our staff is looking for additions, well jannies basically. There would be a trial period, uncertain length for now because thankfully at the moment Endchan is quite so not much opportunity to spot content that might cause problems. But US elections are coming up and who knows what's gonna happen.
For know the job would be just look through the boards and report illegal content to us, personally, not through the form at the bottom of the page, so we could get to know the candidate a little better. We use IRC and Discord, for both the link is on the front page top bar. On IRC please be patient until we reply. Look/ask for OdiliTime (OdiliComm on IRC), ecco, or Shiban.
Illegal content is under US law, but chiefly cp, zoo- and necrophilia, threat of violence basically, and private information in doxx.