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No mames wey, con razon se te chingan los electrodomesticos, toda la pinche cuadra colgada de un solo poste? Vives en las favelas o que pedo? lol
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Hoy me fije y ese es el poste mas cableado de todos kek, en esos dos casas rentan cuartos así que tienen varios contratos de luz. 

> ywn live un the same favela as Huebro
I miss him, compadres.
un choque leve, iba de raid con un idiota 

me di un golpe fuerte en la rodilla y tengo una fisura de tobillo, no es para nada grave
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More evidence from the last 24 hours.

You might have ojitos de borrego a medio morir, but you dont have a sharingan like Kakashi to beat me.
> tfw I have the same kind of eyes
> imagemonk
lmao, what do you want to know? isn't like i'm trying to sell this life style, first of all what do you want for your life?
If you see making a family in the future, go monk mode and ghost for a few years to save money, get tons of redpills so you can protect yourself if things go wrong(than is most likely to happen) and get your shit together.
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ja, no sabia que era esto del mgtow...

es casi mi estilo de vida, no sabia que tenia nombre, desde mis enfermedades ya no fui la misma persona, no busco pareja, y dudo que exista alguien en esta roca en quien realmente confie

dudo que sienta odio por alguien en especial (a diferencia de lo que entiendo del mgtow)

una vez que te das cuenta y aceptas que vas a morir, la vida se torna diferente
It's a great tool to help on your personal improvement, the philosophy gives you basic rules to follow and keep your life in this nice state of balance, clarity and stresslessness. But most of people who enter this mgtow paradigm stay in the phase of hating women in order to keep them away and don't lose this state. Already talking about this "anti-[anything]" meme https://youtube.com/watch?v=0sXAVoh-CgY

All those guys doing pro-mgtow videos and talking shit on women are just wasting energy, at the same time the other polarity of feminism is striking back on them just to repeat the cycle.

Mgtow is clear, you want the benefits of going your way? just follow 3 rules; no cohabitation, no marriage and no kids. Other than that is just you getting exposed to lose those benefits, this is when you decide how much you want to risk in order of how much you miss women in your life.
> All those guys doing pro-mgtow videos and talking shit on women are just wasting energy
yeah that's just silly

> Mgtow is clear, you want the benefits of going your way? just follow 3 rules; no cohabitation, no marriage and no kids. Other than that is just you getting exposed to lose those benefits, this is when you decide how much you want to risk in order of how much you miss women in your life
looks like im doing great then, thanks m8
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Reality is moving lately, gonna do more meme magic tomorrow, expect massive happenings related with red and blue, mexico-spanish history and something against vaccines.
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oh boy, it's here.

> RIP Guadalupe-Reyes Marathon
Joke's on them, it's all a fucking lie I never believed anyways
699 pesos so about 35 USD, let's see how it works, have been working out since July 1st and it's a great moment to make the next step, i'm not getting bigger anymore, just lossing fat(the meme of chía en agua does miracles kek) and getting harden. Also bought 3 phone chargers.
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Ok, two nights ago I had a dream than gave certain that someone/something is trying to get in my mind through my dreams, i'm sure the are several beings working together, putting mental challenges against me in my dreams to see how I react and solve them. When I discover than those characters in the dream are fake, the dream breaks and I wake up, also I still keep having dreams about people trying to break in my house in many ways.
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Trainning is going pretty well so far, but I still have /pancita/ to get ride of, my next plan is to buy a punching bag, some cheap cleyo reyes, a jump rope and a sauna suit to cut the fat off. My back is wide, neck is getting thicker but need to work on my shoulders.
Anyway I got pic related, gonna use it but until summer, that shit must be drinken cold, I have to sweat and drink lots of water which I can't do it right now because of the current weather.
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It's amazing how the world reacts to my future plans, like everything is changing to a new version, I get to talk with people about them, others come to me talking about the exact things I have in mind, the old version just start to fall apart, got banned from twitter and splatoon in the same week(i think, because I can't play online with my account). I'll focus all that time into something else.
I know I'm manipulating my timeline and that makes me feel even more confident.
What in the actual fuck! they changed my time-line, in my dream I saw a few strange people talking on my back, I remember a: "...para que no pierda noción del tiempo..." while they tried to keep the pace of my dream.
> Last night I had a dream where I heard again, what I suppose it could be the first words than my parents said to me the moment I was born, gonna confirm in the next days doing some questions to people (also saw more random numbers projected on my corneas).

Well, just confirmed this with mom, she told me she had an abortion of a boy before I was born.
> (also saw more random numbers projected on my corneas).
This is what I was talking about

> In recent years, researchers have successfully developed experimental brain–computer interfaces or neuroprostheses that stimulate phosphenes to restore vision to people blinded through accidents.

> Phosphenes have been produced by intense, changing magnetic fields, such as with transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS). These fields can be positioned on different parts of the head to stimulate cells in different parts of the visual system. They also can be induced by alternating currents that entrain neural oscillation as with transcranial alternating current stimulation. In this case they appear in the peripheral visual field.[16] This claim has been disputed. The alternative hypothesis is that current spread from the occipital electrode evokes phosphenes in the retina. Phosphenes created by magnetic fields are known as magnetophosphenes.
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This is H U G E.

Remember my oniric experiment?  >>/1056/ well, few days ago I tried it and got an interesting result: I flied right to the sky.
At first it was all clouds then a deep black, at this moment my mind felt like waking up, I fought to stay asleep and got some hypnagogic hallucinations, all of them related to space and system education they teach at school, such as pics related.

I noticed my brain just threw random images related to the space/earth topic and it couldn't follow the speed of my being inside the dream. Having this in mind, I can succeed to reach a God-like state, where all the tricks and influence of unconsciousness don't have effect on me.

I created this "stress" on my oniric process by going fast to a certain direction(going up) but what if I target my direction to a higher spacial dimension? whould I manage to position my consciousness outside the influence of the matrix?

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