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Explanation for my absence; I've been juggling through quite a few online community and IRL oriented things recently. I'm back and I'm ready to bring the NuChannel project back up to speed.

They're a basis for eventual rules.

I agree that people who never desired power make the best leaders; I originally became a moderator for an online community a very long time ago... I'd say I'm quite experienced in online communities, their growth, and their moderation.

This will be a new-brand of Imageboard culture. It will not be comparable to 4chan if it reaches the place that I want it to reach. (No, not in concurrent users, but in culture)

The goal of this Imageboard is not to be funny; with humor comes shitposting, and with shitposting comes death.

This is not 2007 4chan, this is 4chan as it was originally intended; A place for discussion, but expanding beyond anime. I will use the foundation of the Imageboard format to create a website which can be used to discuss multiple constructive topics Anonymously, and without shitposting. The mistake of 4chan staff was allowing shitposting and "meme" creation to occur, in my opinion. The closest thing I can compare the project to is the GNU project, which builds upon the UNIX concept.

The closest website comparison that I can provide is I have a great deal of respect for Appleman1234, and I think that he is an excellent administrator. Read Lainchan for an idea of what I want NuChannel to be. I want quality people from boards pre-goobergate on NuChannel. Boards like /g/ or /prog/, or people who posted on /r9k/ before it went to shit.

>  But why not just use Lainchan then?

Lainchan is centered around a few themes, and I want NuChannel to compromise multiple themes, and target those themes to its targeted userbase (social outcasts, techies, Internet explorers, and generally, people who don't use social media / smartphone culture). I want to have multiple, huge, active boards; but not boards filled with "normies". Normies are hard to define.. I might go more in detail in a later post...

>  GTA negro poster dude?
No, I'm not that person.
>  BTC
Perhaps you should read. Bitcoin donations are something very far down the road, and it's not going to be on my roadmap for quite a while, if ever I have moderated and adminstered many forums, chans, IRCs, discords, Dubtracks, and Plug.DJs, and I have never requested money from my users (As I didn't need them..) We did have a bitcoin address to pay for a dubtrack/plug website though.. I avoid spending money out of pocket to build an online community, as I believe it to be unnecessary, and it corrupts my view of the community that I am building. I want this culture / website to be completely detached from me. I don't ever want to make a profit from it, and I want it to thrive. I don't want another 8chan board that's dead or dies, I don't want another 4chan clone. I want something new an exciting; something that has nothing to do with 4chan or 8chan.

Note: The Hiroyuki Nishimura image was supposed to represent a "soapbox"