I just ported endstream to macOS using a MacMini 2014 model with MacOS 12.5 Monterey.  Using the Homebrew package manager you can install youtube-dl, curl, openssl, and mpv, and then the program will run.  I've tested this port as working, and have placed it onto the github repository and onto the hidden service. 


Endware Hidden Service

Now endstream is tested working on the following operating systems : { GNU/Linux, OpenBSD, Windows NT, MacOS }. I'm planning on going back and making winstream.bat into a powershell script so that it is fully compatible and can access all of the streams. Right now winstream.bat just uses fixed links and m3u8 playlists and can't access the Youtube live streams or other dynamic playlists.  I'll have to learn more about Powershell first which might take a month or two.  Its a side project. 

My next task with endstream is to fix up the channels on the OpenBSD port and test it, I'll work on that in around two weeks when I have some free time.  

Summary: I made a cross platform killer app, and gave it away for free on the internet...