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Welcome, Brothers and Sisters, to /pagan/.

This is a board for the Ancestral Faiths of Europe, free from the cuck universalism present within Wicca and Asatru. Accordingly, if you are a person of mixed descent, please head to >>>/asatru/. Hellenist, Roman, Celtic, Germanic, or others, they are all part of our faith here, and we welcome all White Brothers and Sisters.

Q. I don't have any faith in the supernatural, how can I get back in touch with the Old Gods?

A. The best way is to talk to them, and to others of your fledgling faith. However, regaining religiosity from atheism is like regaining happiness from depression: the very things that will help you succeed are the things you least wish to do. You must find the strength to overcome your spiritual inertia and pick up some momentum.

In Christianity or other Jewish religions, you view yourself as a member of a flock who is to submit to Yahweh, and this is usually the most experience with religion a White person ever gets. Not so in the religion of our Folk, where the Gods are personal friends. You are an active participant in the religion, and a spiritual agent of the Gods. You have authority as a prophet, because the Gods act through inspiration in all our Folk.

You should see yourself as a Druid acolyte, personally called upon by the Gods to spread the faith to our Folk. Because you are. Feel it as a spiritual calling, and act on it. Find spiritual significance in all things, and inspiration in your dreams. Your spirituality has been carefully extinguished, but by acting mindfully and with purpose you can reclaim the same feeling of kinship and meaning that your ancestors enjoyed.