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- Sacrificing the easy. The word sacrifice means to make something sacred. A simple concept is it not. So therefore, despite the association with sacrifice being bad as "muh aztecs human sacrifice", removing poisons of both the physical and mental (e.g. mass media) variety to follow the road of improvement means to literally embrace a path of greatness. You are bombarded at every oppurtunity by semetic poisons, be them poor food quality (soy used in bread production, chemical use for preservatives etc) to media in the form of movies and music. "Hey goy, listen to this hot new beat consisting of three notes and a nigger screeching ass into a mic for five minutes, isn't it great?))) is an every day thing which no one outside those waking up to the state of things notices. The worst is subtle corruptions, such as placing Negroes in historical European fiction, making the American Civil War all about slavery, how noble ideals of virtue and honour are "dated" but wanting white women to fuck anything *but* whites or embrace ackbars is great. Seperating yourself from these poisons allows greater clarity, your no longer lethargic due to poor food and no longer mentally subdued due to media bombardment.