You're certainly right, an overnight paradigm shift where suddenly it's RaHoWa in the streets is wishful thinking. The truth is that the enemy has time on their side, and the smarter ones among them will delay the appearance of living in neue-Brazil for as long as possible in order to boil the frog, so to speak. Obviously as time passes, whites become more of a minority, but on a much more important level, the gaslighting becomes much more convincing. The current generation doesn't understand just how new things like trannie acceptance and fully open borders are. Trump's so called fascist platform of today is identical to the democrat platform 20 years ago. In order for the enemy to achieve final victory they need spiritual dominance over whites in the form of convincing people that things were always like this. The longer that things are actually in this current state of affairs, the easier of a task this will be to accomplish. 

As a result, accelerationism is the most logical step. Every remotely pro-white or national socialist worldview can agree that regardless of proposed solutions, the more white people on our side the better. Numerical advantage is how you prevent casualties, in the figurative and literal sense. We can't just resign ourselves to the outskirts of the internet and declare that everyone susceptible as already been redpilled. We need every person we can get, and they must be propelled in a positive direction of self improvement and strengthening themselves as you say. I'm young, if it wasn't for the previous generation uploading videos and having confidence in the next generation that they were worth enlightening, who knows where I would be. A propaganda campaign on the level of the 2016 'meme war' is not only desirable but a necessity to make the resurrection come as soon and decisively as possible. 

> A fat and contented man is a weak man who will not resist.
Well put.