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Triple parenthesis typically mean jews, or you're filling out a document for the CIA that was their thing before it was co-opted to mean kikes. And while yes, jews are a virus in the nation-destroying metaphorical sense, the Corona virus kills kikes too.
> CBS/CW+-affiliated television station serving Fargo, North Dakota
CBS is ran by five kike Directors. Arnold Kopelson, David R. Andelman, Doug Morris, Leonard J. Goldberg and William Sebastian Cohen. Senior Advisor kike - Nancy Tellem and President of CBS kike Nina Tassler. Shari "Redstone" (formerly Rothstein) is the Vice Chairman while her father Sumner Murray Redstone is Chairman Emeritus.
The CW: kike Dawn Tarnofsky-Ostroff is President, kike Thom Sherman Executive Vice President and kike Chief Operating Officer is John Maatta.
> Chris Berg, libertarian jew
^This is what you should be bracketing. Never trust jewish networks and stop swallowing their propaganda. They always lie.