> Doesn't being around people build up resistance and immunity?
When those people have a contagious virus? You catch the virus. Elementary school children know this.
> If people have a virus and fall down the stairs, will their cause of deaths be listed as an accident or the flu?
The Coroner will list it as an accidental death due to blunt force trauma unless they have reason to suspect it's a homicide, dumbass.
> If this virus is so dangerous then why are the Gestapo allowed to go outside?
The Gestapo haven't existed since 1930s mid 40s Germany.
> Sweden still has freedom, but why isn't everyone in Sweden dead now?
Sweden has had 23,918 confirmed cases with 2,941 deaths as of today. Per 1 million, they're among the highest deaths due to Covid-19 for not locking down.
> Do Americans who hate freedom feel like traitors?
Few Americans understand the term "freedom", and many scream it without any context such as "muh freedoms" or "military fought for your freedoms". The US military doesn't really fight for freedom, which means the possession of particular privileges; they fight for Israel because wealthy foreign serving lobbies like AIPAC bribe Congressman and all manner of politicians. The freedom of US military to be massacred on the USS Liberty by Israeli jet fighters or the freedom to have Israeli nationals with foreknowledge of 9/11 document the event without warning and then face no consequences but return to Israel.
> How could Americans fight Communists and then become Communists? Didn't the Soviet Union fail?
Because America has many jews. Their professors lecture impressionable minds at Universities. Kikes own the media networks, social media, and are in top positions in American government. Communism is a (Karl Marx) jewish ideal.
> The government closes businesses and then makes work mandatory.
Your copied message is dated. Businesses are re-opening and people will be contracting Covid-19 more often now.
> Have Americans lost their minds?
Some are Zionists, some aren't. Those who are have lost their damn minds. One day the traitors will all face 18 U.S. Code ยง 2381, U.S. law for treason with the penalty being death.