thumbnail of Una_CABRA_y_una_PAPAYA_dan_positivo_para_COVID_19_en_TANZANIA_640x360.webm
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Una_CABRA_y_una_PAPAY... webm
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I'm the banned faggot.
In 8kun/CVG it's mostly fearmongers claiming doomsday and blaming China which is Trump's narrative.
Futile to get info over there. 

I really want to know about the owner's opinion on my beliefs about the virus.

1) I personally believe that the mortality rates have been exagerated specially after the Tanzanian president declarations (see webm). I don't know if the tests are fake, if the swab pads have the virus or if the lab employees are lying but nothing makes sense to me. 

2) People that die have other pathologies, bad diets or low D vitamin.

3) It doesn't behave like HIV so once you get it you gain immunity and will not be reinfected months later. 

4) This is related to Event 201. The end goal is to vaccinate everyone and crash the economy so that investing conglomerates will be able to buy other companies or debt to gain more power.

5) The creators of this virus want to end China's supremacy by placing the blame JUST on them (see PNGs).