> People that die have other pathologies, bad diets or low D vitamin.
The majority of people are going to have other pathologies. Even allergies are being blamed right now. Many morons are blaming age because people in their 40s are dying. If anyone has asthma, a condition people are born with, they will die because a massive cytokine release is triggered and lungs enflame. Young people have died as well.
> It doesn't behave like HIV so once you get it you gain immunity and will not be reinfected months later.
No. Reinfection is possible. What your body does, should you recover, is produces antibodies which provide a higher level of protection. You can still catch the virus again. HIV proteins were added via insertional mutagenesis. Covid-19 was manufactured. See the /news/ links I gave.
> This is related to Event 201. The end goal is to vaccinate everyone and crash the economy
> so that investing conglomerates will be able to buy other companies or debt to gain more power.
Then why are Trump and cuck Governors re-opening to preserve the economy at the risk of American lives? And I quote “If we could hold that down, as we’re saying, to 100,000, that’s a horrible number, maybe even less, but to 100,000 so we have between 100 and 200,000 we altogether have done a very good job,”. So 200,000 dead Americans is a good job. What a piece of shit.

The rest of this I already covered.