The virus is worse than seasonal diseases. It may last longer as your nicotinic acetylcholine receptors release a cytokine storm (pro-inflammatory white blood cells). However, if you're ingesting Vitamins C and D as well as polyphenols and quercetin you'll recover faster. Side effects of those who suffer longer include lung scarring, heart damage, stiff muscles, blood clots which may lead to strokes and brain inflammation encephalitis (swelling) causing any number of neurological disorders. An old coworker whom by all MSM reports should have died only experienced mild symptoms and completely recovered. Interns were perplexed by this. The answer was simple. She was drinking cranberry juice, green tea, milk and eating okra. Some of the idiots even mocked the explanation from a lack of understanding of basic vitamins. Cranberry juice - Vitamin C. Green tea - polyphenols. Milk - Vitamin D. Okra - Quercetin. Vitamin C encourages the production of lymphocytes and phagocytes. Vitamin D reduces inflammation, modulates of cell proliferation and boosts immune function. Polyphenols prevent systemic or localized inflammation through restoring the redox balance to reduce oxidative stress and by modulating inflammatory responses through mitigation of cytokine pathways. Quercetin is a plant pigment which is anti-inflammatory and antiviral.

One simple question to ask is which people are most affected by Vitamin D deficiency?
That answer to that and the MSM's commonly claimed highest risk group (without them saying why) is the same. The elderly. Covid-19, just like it's sister virus Influenza, stands no chance against strong immune systems.