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It's not just governments. Pay attention to Hollywood movies. The emasculation of man and the elevation of women to male roles is the typical nation destroying chaos kikes seek. Point out any movie. Any fucking movie where the main male character doesn't have any balls, women hold leadership or have bullshit abilities they never learned and I'll point out jews behind it. This not only destroys the role of men. It subverts and corrupts traditional roles of women. Their natural biological instincts have never been to labor for their survival, to lead groups or to abandon their children for work long periods of time. I have seen many women in such positions. They lose their damn minds. Snapping, nagging, screaming, taking up smoking (or harsher drugs) to deal with the stress. This emasculation also fucks up male roles in leadership positions where those who would have been considered too weak to lead when society wasn't fucked up, must now be cucks as the best candidates for promotions. Being able to strategize, promote efficiency and think for yourself are all bad traits in the corrupt corporate hierarchy.